Apr 10, 2022Liked by Curly Haugland

Has the referred to unconstitutional law ever been challenged in court? If so, what we’re the results? If not, why not?

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Apr 10, 2022Liked by Curly Haugland

So maybe we should be looking at a lawsuit to apply "unconstitutional" to primaries being required by ND State Law.

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Truth is Gary Emineth and Senator Cramer are the ones that started this mess. They are the ones the skirted the convention and skipped it and went straight to the primary. As a result of this precedent we got Burgum as Governor. Burgum failed at the convention and went to the primary and won. (amazing what millions of dollars will buy you.)

Ed Shaffer is the one that started this entire GOP domination in ND. Ed would have never run in the primary if he didnt beat Nelson and Porter at the convention in 1992.

The convention has always been the place to go to get the nomination, not the primary. Afterall the delegates in "theory" know which GOP candidate is best. Gary opened up this can of worms and now we are suppose to believe his intentions are pure?

A primary is open to everyone to vote in. Since there are so few democrats left in ND they can vote on the GOP side of the ballot. This is a dirty trick that many states fall victim to. Primary voters intentions are not always pure to the party or the platform.

Moving the convention to after the primary makes the convention nothing more than a pep rally.

I have more respect for Dr. Becker now then I ever did before. He chose not to run in the primary this year and also when he ran for Governor and lost at the convention.

Kuddos to him and others who have done whats right, and follow the results of the convention.

Can not say the same for Burgum, Cramer or Gary Emineth.

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Hit the nail on the head Curley. Present system insures RINOS forever

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